I'm going to have to insist that you stop trying to get your nonsense taught as science. "Intelligent Design" is not a scientific theory; it's an assertion. That you believe it to be true does not make it a fact, and I am very disturbed by your efforts to force it into classrooms. Therefore, I will do whatever is necessary to stop you. Seriously. I'm not kidding.
While recent efforts to shoe-horn your drivel into the lecture hall have, thankfully, been defeated, you just don't seem to be taking the hint. Creationism is not science; it is religion, and has no place in the science classroom. While I can understand your desire, I will not forgive your efforts.
Your incessant propaganda is causing serious damage to the ability of young people, and old for that matter, to think in a rational, realistic way. Your continued insistence that creationism is based in science shows that you have no understanding of scientific method. It really isn't that difficult to understand. I understand it, and I'm not even a scientist.
Also, here's a little tip for you; there is no controversy. Even if you could demonstrate that ID is a valid theory, it would do nothing to discredit the Theory of Evolution. Evolution is a fact. It exists. It has been observed and demonstrated. ID has not. Ever. Do a little research, take an introductory biology course. That's what I did. I assure you that life is far more interesting than you can currently imagine, and the true explanations are a lot more fulfilling than "goddidit."
In short, educate yourself. Stop listening to a preacher whose financial situation depends on your acceptance of dogma. Stop believing the writings of bronze-age primitives who thought the sun orbited the Earth. Stop pulling the wool over your own eyes.
Stop trying to get your nonsense taught as science. Stop it, or I'll stop you.
Friday, June 6, 2008
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I like your blog - and also have appreciated some of your posts on Yahoo Answers :)
paperback writer
And the main reason "intelligent design" is meaningless is that it's based on the hypothesis that "If I don't understand something, that's proof that god did it".
Good luck with your blog. I never seemed to have time to keep up an atheist blog.
There are two possibilities:
There is a God.
There is no God.
Both theories can be scary.
If there is a God, He created everything, therefore he owns it, controls it and makes the rules.
If there is no God, that means we on earth are spinning thru space at 66,000 mph with no one in control.
Atheists hate theory #1 because they don't want God to tell them what to do or how to live their lives.
If there is no God and you think you are in control, that is scary, because I definitely don't want you telling me what to do or how to live, that is for sure.
you say that creationism is only a religion.
evolution needs more faith to believe in than creationism. truely there is no geologic column, it has never been found anywhere. if they "found" it, it'll be one site that the evolutionists found that the bones they want are in order. if it was all over the world then fine i'd believe you.
there are no transitional forms. the bones they've found, specially the horse thing.. its not a true transitional form because the scientists themselves have already proven it to be true but it still remains on texts books. so now they're teaching false education just to compromise the truth that God does exist?
and how do you explain fish fossils found on mountain tops.
im sorry, i meant they were found to be false.
some transitional forms are still living today, so it doesnt make sense... why didnt they evolve.
Just because those are two possibilities, the chances of them being correct are not 50 percent, although creationists like to imply this. The fact is that your first possibility is extremely improbable.
Atheists do not hate supposition number 1, they only hate the fact that people believe that garbage in the face of the load of evidence that supports evolution.
Also, if you would rather have a megalomaniacal, jealous, homocidal, genocidal, hateful being as shown in the Bible, whose existence is extremely unlikely in the first place as opposed to an atheist who can look at clear facts and accept them for what they are, then you are at more of a threat to society than any atheist.
It does not take faith to look at facts. You can find a geologic column all over the world, because fossils have been found all over the world, and, indeed, the farther beneath the earth you go, the simpler the fossils get. You're not going to believe me anyway because you have to reach an unfathomable level of delusion in order to not only believe in the existence of, but defend and speak for the Christian god.
Apparently you've also watched the load of bull that the movie "Expelled" pulls out of its ass. Evolution is on textbooks because it is backed up by 150 years of evidence. Ben Stein's claim that science is trying to suppress creation and instead teach false principles is a bold-faced lie, and poorly concieved propaganda. The United States is the only major country that still has people that question evolution and want their unprovable beliefs taught in classrooms alongside it.
I'm glad you at least admit that there are transitional fossils. However, you clearly don't understand, as no Christian does, evolution by natural selection, nor common ancestry. Natural selection does not create a single line of species from one animal, the animals branch off. To put it simply, and in terms you can understand, the great apes are our brothers, not our ancestors, in terms of species.
As for fish fossils on mountaintops, do you recall in geography class that mountains are found in ranges? The Andes mountains, the Rocky mountains, and others. The reason they are found on ranges is because the tectonic plates, millions of years ago, pushed together, and forced a part of the land up, and another part of the land down, over the course of millions of years. The land, of course, was underwater before being forced up. Fish died on the land before it was raised up, and were preserved by the cold temperatures at high altitudes.
Seriously, you need to look up the theory of evolution, the definition of the term "theory", and turn on the science channel every once in a while and you'll see that evolution is indeed backed up by not only phsical evidence, but genetic evidence.
"When it comes to the origin of life, we have only two possibilities as to how life arose. One is spontaneous generation arising to evolution; the other is a supernatural creative act of God. There is no third possibility...Spontaneous generation was scientifically disproved one hundred years ago by Louis Pasteur, Spellanzani, Reddy and others. That leads us scientifically to only one possible conclusion -- that life arose as a supernatural creative act of God...I will not accept that philosophically because I do not want to believe in God. Therefore, I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible, spontaneous generation arising to evolution." - Scientific American, August, 1954.
George Wald - Nobel prize winning scientist (biologist/zoologist)
Sigh another medicine is amazing post. First of all if it is so amazing how come we do not live anywhere near as long as we used to, say 2000 years ago. I'm not denying medicine does have its uses, but it proved useless against cancer. There is a great number of people who have been to see the best Doctors in the west about curing their life threatening cancers. The answer is usually impossible. However in other parts of the world, they have medicine-less hospitals. Guess what? They can cure the cancer without medicine. The problem is that most western doctors do not believe in miracles and don't realize that what they feel and believe in their hearts, affects more than just themselves. Anyway we all have our own opinions, I'm not for either side. They both have their uses in different ways. More people need to realize this and try to combine the two.
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